In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a new SAP Single Role. As part of Basis jobs is to maintain SAP Security and Authorization, you need to know about SAP Role Administration.
Below are the steps to create a new SAP Single Role:
1. From SAP Menu -> Tools -> Administration -> User Maintenance -> Role Administration, or call transaction code PFCG directly.
SAP Role Administration |
2. Enter your Role Name and choose Single Role, and enter the description if needed.
Create a new SAP Single role |
SAP Role description |
3. On next screen you can choose to fill your Role with Transactions or Report. In this example choose “Transaction”.
Choose your Role menu |
Avalaible Entries for SAP Role |
4. Now fill with the transactions that you want to assign in the Role.
Assigned SAP transactions |
Make sure the transactions are assigned, and click “Authorization” Tab
Assigned SAP transactions |
5. Click “Change Authorization Data”. You can also choose “Expert Mode”
Edit SAP Authorization |
Expert Mode Edit SAP Role |
6. Maintain all necessary values.
Maintain SAP Authorization values |
SAP Authorization values are maintained |
7. Now you generate profile for newly created SAP Role. Go to menu Authorization -> Generate
Generate SAP Authorization Profile |
You’ll be prompted a profile name.
Authorization Profile |
8. Your new SAP Single Role is created and ready to be assigned at user.
SAP Role created |
To get complete reference about SAP Authorization concept I recommend this book for your additional reference:
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