In this article I’ll show you how to monitor SAP Message Server.
Message Server is used to manage communication between instances of an SAP System. And also used to select application server to which the users log on if you configure SAP Logon Load distribution.
You monitor Message Server as below:
1. From menu Tools -> Administration -> Monitor -> System Monitoring -> Message Server Monitor or directly to transaction SMMS.
2. You’ll be shown message server data. Check the server status, it must be “Active”
SAP Message Server |
3. You can see detail parameter from Goto -> Parameter -> Display
Detailed Parameter SAP Message Server |
4. You’ll be shown current active parameter related to message server, such as port.
Active parameter SAP message server |
5. You can restart your message server from Goto -> Expert Functions -> Servers -> Shut Down Server (Hard).
Restart SAP message Server |
6. To see current patch level Click “Release Notes”
Notice your current patch level. If needed you can update the level (see in this article to update SAP Kernel).
Patch Level SAP Message Server |
For further reference about monitoring SAP Message Server please read this book:
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