How to install SAP Solution Manager 7.1 on Windows

You have finished installing RDBMS for SAP (example : MS SQL Server or Oracle) and now you want to install SAP Solution Manager 7.1 on your Database. Before you install SAP Solution Manager, you prepare the following CD installation:

  • Installation Master.
  • SAP Kernel.
  • SAP Export DVD.
  • SAP Java Component.

1. Now go to Installation Master according to your operating system (in this example I use Windows 2008 Server R2).

Run sapinst to install SAP Solution Manager

2. Choose Central System

Installation option SAP Solution Manager

3. It’s better to choose Custom installation if you want to change some parameters, such as Datafiles location.

Custom installation

4. If it’s the first time you run SAPinst in your server, you’re usually asked to logoff.

Logoff before SAP Solution Manager installation

5. Locate your correct Kernel CD

Kernel CD for SAP Solution Manager

6. Choose your installation Drive (to place your SAP Executable)

Installation Drive for SAP Solution Manager

7. Enter your FQDN for your SAP Server.

FQDN for your SAP Solution Manager

8. Enter for your Master Password should be contain Uppercase and number.

Master Password

9. Choose Local Installation if it’s not connected to Domain or choose Use domain of current user if you want to connect domain.

Choose domain

10. Confirm your password

Password confirmation

11. Choose Your Database SID (You define it when installing RDBMS e.g MS-SQL Server or Oracle)


Choose Next

12. Choose Next for SAPOSCOL directory

SAPOSCOL directory

13. Choose Local Installation for your Host Agent.

Domain Option for Host Agent

14. Confirm the password

Password Confirmation

15. Now locate the Installation Export DVD I & II.

Installation Export I
Installation Export II

16. Confirm password for Database Schema

Database schema password

17. Choose expected Data Files.

Database Option

18. Choose the Datafiles & Logfiles location folder.

Datafiles Location
Logfiles Location

19. Enter the parallel process for loading database (depends on your CPU cores)

Number of Parallel process

20. Confirm the password for Secure Store

Password Confirmation for Secure Store

21. Now you locate the Java Component DVD

Java Component Location

22. Confirm your System Number.

System Number for your SAP system

23. Enter the parameter for your Host Transport Directory.

Transport Directory

24. Enter the Users for UME.

Users for UME

25. Confirm password for ABAP UME

Password Confirmation for ABAP UME

26. Locate your Kernel CD

Kernel CD location

27. Locate your SAPCryptographic Software.

SAP Crypto Library for SSL.

28. Select the files you want to Unpack (select ALL)

Unpack Files Archive

29. Select the option if you want to prepare for NWDI otherwise unselect it.

NWDI option

30. Select Configure SLD if you want to make your Solman as SLD otherwise connect it to available SLD.

SLD Destination

31. Confirm the password for SLD users

SLD users password confirmation

32. Confirm the password for ADS users

ADS user password confirmation

33. Confirm for Diagnostics Agent installation

DAA installation

34. Choose Local Installation

Domain option for Diagnostic Agent

35. Confirm the password

Choose YES for the following screen.

36. Confirm the DAA instance

DAA instance

37. Choose No SLD if it’s the first Solman installation.

SLD option for DAA

38. Choose the files you want to unpack.

Archives selection.

39. Review your input installation, and make correction if necessary. Choose Next to start the installation.

Input Summary

40. Now the installation is running. Check for the error log happen.

SAP Solution Manager Installation in progress

41. Make sure the installation is finished successfully.

To get complete reference about SAP Solution Manager and its function, I recommend you to read these books:

[amazon-element asin=”1592293883″ fields=”lg-image”]


[amazon-element asin=”1592298842″ fields=”lg-image”]

The books explain all the scenarios that Solman has.

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